Sea Level | TGH Aviation Aircraft Instrument Services Tue, 08 Aug 2023 04:58:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sea Level | TGH Aviation 32 32 Frequently Asked Altimeter Questions Fri, 04 Dec 2015 23:05:17 +0000 Frequently Asked Altimeter Questions   The pointers on my altimeter are very jumpy and stick sometimes. What is wrong? The altimeter is exposed to the outside atmosphere. This includes all of the dirt and dust present in that atmosphere. Dirt and dust will get into the gears and cause them to stick and bind, the … Continue reading Frequently Asked Altimeter Questions

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How to Read a 3 Pointer Altimeter Tue, 01 Dec 2015 23:40:25 +0000 How to Read a 3 Pointer Altimeter A three-pointer altimeter, as its name implies, has three different pointers on the front dial. They are the 100-foot pointer, the 1000-foot pointer, and the 10,000-foot pointer. The medium length pointer is the 100-foot pointer, the shortest pointer is the 1000-foot pointer, and the longest pointer is the 10,000-foot … Continue reading How to Read a 3 Pointer Altimeter

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Getting to know your Kollsman Window and Barber Pole Wed, 25 Nov 2015 22:43:07 +0000 Getting to know your Kollsman Window and Barber Pole    Reading the Kollsman Window ( Barometric Reading) The Kollsman window is located at the 3 o’clock position on the altimeter dial. This window allows access to read a sub-dial, which contains the barometric readings. The arrowhead indice located precisely at the 3 o’clock position on the … Continue reading Getting to know your Kollsman Window and Barber Pole

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Understanding Altimeters Tue, 10 Nov 2015 21:22:34 +0000 Understanding Altimeters   In its purest form, an altimeter is simply an absolute pressure gauge. This means that it is displaying the pressure being exerted by the atmosphere at its current location. The earth is surrounded by an atmosphere. This atmosphere is the air that we breathe. The atmosphere is held in place by the … Continue reading Understanding Altimeters

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